Office information
The two bases of our Osaka Head Office and Kagoshima Factory has enabled Toyo Tool to deal with customers more flexibly. In particular, our Kagoshima Factory, completed in 1991, has over 9,000 square meters of floor space and a systematic arrangement of the latest equipment. Our system is able to meet the needs of our customers very quickly.
Head Office Factory
1-22-17 Kami-kita Hirano-ku Osaka, 547-0001
Tel: +81-6-6756-7588
Fax: +81-6-6756-7500
>Map · Access
Kagoshima Factory
2399 Kasedamiyabara Minami-Satsuma Kagoshima, 897-1124
Tel: +81-993-52-7608 F
ax: +81-993-52-7603
>Map · Access
Tondabayashi Factory
Street address
1-3-1 Nakano-Higashi Tondabayashi city Osaka
TEL 0721-23-6914
FAX 0721-24-6113
>Map · Access
・Alloy Business Division
・Precision Parts Division
・Sales Management Division
Kinpo Factory
Street address
66 Kinpouchou Niiyama Minamisatsuma city Kagoshima, 899-3514